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 BLAST 2011 feedback


A sample of feedback notes....  

Click on the pictures to see what  our BLAST 2011 Happy Campers have to say



 is currently a Master of Physical Therapy student at UBC.  She recently obtained her Master of Science in Neuroscience at UBC in August 2013. She completed her undergraduat>e degree at Queen’s University where she graduated with an Honors degree in Life Sciences.
 As a new volunteer at BLAST, I can honestly say I felt very at home almost instantly.  Travelling up with everyone on the bus was great because everyone was very kind and fun and it was easy to talk to, and get to know, the people around me.  When I arrived at camp, everyone around me was excited to be there so I also felt excited!  It was a great atmosphere.  I always felt like I had something to do and as well as people to talk to- overall a rewarding, fun experience :)
 Overall, I think the weekend went very smoothly. I liked the flexible attitude taken towards scheduled sessions, that allowed everyone a bit more time when needed to get from place to place. I heard a few complaints that people were sad to have missed certain sessions due to schedule conflicts. However, a friend of mine in the music business once told me that a sign of a good festival is when people complain that they want to be two places at once. So, I'd say it was successful! I thought all of the activities were very inclusive, and it seemed like the whole group was well-incorporated into the camp. 

You have such a lovely collection of people involved in this event! It was a pleasure getting to know everyone, and I would be keen to know how I might be able to get more involved throughout the year. Just let me know how I can help!

Thanks again for the opportunity! Katie raved about how much fun it was last year, and I was pleased to be able to make it out this time and see for myself.


Volunteer Ray
 works in progress

Ray #1      Ray #2
Volunteer Una 
reflects on her introduction
 to stroke recovery


Rudi and Sherry
This was our first camp and we had a great time. There was so many things to do and try. We made amazing new friends and learned alot.
A lot of fun and so many interesting things to do - yoga, massage, railway museum, arts and crafts, walking, dancing, swimming, aquatics, games, singing, aromatherapy and more that I've forgotten. Great place to socialize with old friends and meet new ones.
Jessica Tong 
 Speech Language Pathologist
"I had an amazing experience volunteering at the camp! I had the opportunity to meet some incredible people who truly understand the meaning of community. They have come together to support one another and persevered to create this wonderful event. What an inspiring group of individuals!"

.Pam and John


Nelly Tai - Research Coordinator





