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This site is intended mainly for Stroke Survivors, CareGivers and Friends in B.C.

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TurtleTalk Disclaimer  
Website and forum is for stroke survivors, family and friends to share opinions and experiences. These opinions are under no circumstances considered to be medical advice.
All messages made available as part of this discussion group and website, including any bullietins, pages,and any opinions, advice, statements or other information contained in any messages posted or transmitted by any third party are the responsibility of the author of that message and not of TurtleTalk. (Unless TurtleTalk is specifically identified as the author of the message)
The fact that a particular message is posted on or transmitted using this TurtleTalk website does not mean that TurtleTalk has endorsed that message in any way or verified the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message. Forums are not moderated nor monitored 24/7.

Rules of registration

Present rules are valid for the whole conference. Separate sections and forums of the conference may have their own rules which specify the rules of conduct in them. However, present rules are obligatory in any case.The rules are introduced to create comfortable and constructive atmosphere of communication. If the established form of communication doesn't suit you, then abstain from participation in this conference.

I. Registration of users. 

  1. By registration in the forum you accept present Rules.
  2. To register in the forum a user must provide an active e-mail address. 
  3. Choice of a username (a nickname) is your exclusive right. The administration reserves the right to take measures for stopping a nickname usage, if its usage violates generally accepted moral and ethic standards and it is insulting for other forum users. Registration of nicknames, resembling the existing ones so that they can mislead other forum users, is prohibited.
  4. Repeated registration of one user, regardless of his/her aims, is prohibited. This violation is considered to be extremely serious and leads to the blocking of all accounts.

 II. Rules of conduct in the forum.

  1. Communication in the forum is based on the principles of generally accepted morality and netiquette.
  2. Usage of swear and abusive words is strictly prohibited, no matter in what form and to whom they are addressed. It concerns substitution of letters by characters as well.
  3. Any advertising, including Internet projects must meet approval with the administration.
  4. Your signature in the forum cannot be longer than two lines. It must meet the same requirements as forum posts.

III. Message posting.

  1. Before you create a new thread, make sure that you create it in the forum of the proper subject area.
  2. New sections and subjects including password protected forums may be created upon request.

IV. Relationship between users and the administration.

  1. The administration follow common sense and internal rules of forum management in their actions.
  2. Discussion of administration’s (forum administrators’ and moderators’) actions is strongly prohibited in any forums and threads, except for the special forum, intended for the discussion of all aspects of the whole forum work.

The administration reserves the right to change the rules with the further notification of forum users. All forum changes and updates are carried out with the consideration of users’ opinions and interests.
